I started off so timid and shy.
Conformity, humility.
The culture taught I must comply.
Communities; in unity.
and then I flew across the blue
for knowledge I seek in the land anew
but so many things I thought I knew
were not true.
I had no clue…
Be confident and be unique!
Speak louder! Do not be so weak,
voice out your own opinions,
and use your rights! Get to the front!
Too much to take too much to say
I had no self to show or speak
old goals had clashed with newer peaks
I spoke with thoughts that don't line up
Rebuilt myself from bottom-up
To understand and compromise
so neither flower wilts or dies
I'm humble and I'm confident
I'm built to bridge these continents
Third culture kid I may be called
another one who wants it all
To stand right in between them both
look what I am I've seen me grow