"Things That you Miss... " (Explicit Lyrics !!!) ... Written by Big Virge 16/3/2005
I miss the simple things
like my ex-girlfriends kiss !
The touch of her lips
and her SHAPELY Tits !!!
But I don't miss THIS !
Emotional tricks
just to give me a kick
Well she's ...
now kicked the habit
of licking my dick !!!
She's had enough of my ways
and things that I say
But check this insight
I could say what I liked
if I licked her clit right !!!
Okay that's enough
of that sexual type stuff !
I also miss things
Without such a sting !
Like being just three
running wild like a tree
or watching the fights
of Muhammad Ali !!!
Cos' he had a sting
that fit in poetry !!!
"Float like a butterfly
sting like a bee !"
Doesn't sound quite as good
from a brother like me !!!
I'm repeating his words
cos' his words inject me
with poetry built from Philosophy !
My philosophy's this !
Something that you miss
reflects what you like
that's why you MISS IT !!!
I don't miss the bitches
who try to enlist
the use of their clit
to take advantage !
I MISS My Mum !!!
cos' she was the one
who really took time
to give love to her son !!!
While daddy just run
when mummy took sick
cos' he couldn't handle that situation
But even through that
I do still miss my dad
when I think of the times
that he'd laugh with his lad !
But when I think back
and look at us now
The place we're now at
brings back the harsh fact
that right now I don't even
speak to my dad !!!
I miss the old days
when I was a kid
when fighting was something
kids did with their fist !
It's Not Fighting I Miss !!!
But the ideal of this
kids shouldn't now die
on streets cos' of fights !!!
But that's what I see
in the eyes of young guys !!!
They're ready to KILL
and ready to DIE !!!
Just for a piece
of Poison Filled Pie !!!
LISTEN Up Close !
Can you hear the war cry ?
If you hear what i'm saying
then answer me THIS !
Which Government Man
sends his children to fight ???
Whatever your answer
they've got their supply
Compelled To Comply !!!
I miss the days
with NO Cameras in view !
When Big Brother Couldn't
Just ... " Televise You " ... !!!
When evidence gathered
had physical proof !
and ...
could not be constructed
by ... I.T. type tools ... !!!
cos' everything viewed
through technological tools
could be ... FALSIFIED ... !!!!!
and may not be true !!!
Just think about
TV Outtakes you laugh through !!!
21 Takes ...
to convey a mere line !?!
But when the shows aired
seems like the first time
the director said ......
"CUT, we're done now, that's fine !"
This it would seem
is our future defined !
Mistakes are a part of all of us !
Look through new fake designs !
Your own pastimes ...
You don't know what you'll find
in the annals of your mind
We keep looking forward
but rarely look back
I try to look back
cos' it keeps me on track
and keeps me equipped
to deal with my issues
through poetic scripts !
DON'T Dismiss ... !!!
Sometimes REMINISCE ......................
and remind yourself daily .....
of .....................
... " Things That You Miss " ...