They Said
Be yourself
they said.
But don't do this
And you can't do that.
Don't change for others
they said.
It's only a phase
they said.
You're doiing itfor attention.
You shouldn't feel like that.
That's not right
they said.
Just be happy
they said.
Stop being negative.
You're just being lazy.
Stop crying
they said.
She's an outcast
they said.
She's wearing long sleeves.
She's in the bathroom again.
She's a freak
they said.
She's not one of us
they said.
She hasn't been at school.
We don't know what happed to her.
She changed
they said.
She's been gone
they said.
Her sister cries.
Her parents came for her belongings.
She was a beautiful person
they said.
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This is gonna make me cry...I think too often we judge people and no matter how much they try to change we ridicule them either way. But truly amazing and plz read and comment on my poems so I can have more feedback
Holy crap this is short but powerful.