These Feelings
These Feelings are so hard to express
They bounce around in my head trying to get out.
Anger, haterd, sadness, loss,
But also love and care.
It feels like no one else can understand These Feelings
Or why I can't say them outloud or express them on paper.
But there is one person who can understand.
He's the reason there is love and care in me.
Because he understands what it feels like to feel alone
To feel stupid, to feel forgotton, to feel hated, to feel useless.
He's the only person who I can talk to about These Feelings
Because I inhertied them from him, my father.
When I try to talk to my mother
It turns into a screaming match.
When I talk to my father
It turns into a crying match,
Because he's sad that I have These Feelings
And I'm happy because he listened to me.
I am thankful for my father.
I am thankful for the love he has given me.
I am thankful for the fact that I have These Feelings,
Because if I didn't
I wouldn't know who in the world,
Truly loves me.