Tale of Two Rivals
My poems suck.
I can’t say why,
they just do.
It makes me crazy,
shot, like at a buck,
right between my eyes.
But by whom,
It’s all little hazy.
Try to keep me down?
When I’m on top of the world,
you chose now.
After all this time,
because I wore the crown.
We quarreled,
stop little sow.
I’ll be there.
Just you wait,
You’ll be cleaning my floors
I’ll have six figures, weekly.
You tried stripping me bare,
I even fell for your bait.
Because of those wars.
You’ll get income from me, begrudgingly.
I know you want the best,
but you tried failing me.
You didn’t try for yourself,
only to fail.
All the time you wasted,
Now look at me
At the top, because I never stopped.
I could ruin you if I pleased.
I was taught to be a better person though.
I know it would be simple to crush you with ease.
I would never be your friend or a beau.
But I’ll improve your mind.
If you know Gandhi like I,
You know that an eye for an eye,
Makes the whole world blind.
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This is a really great poem! I liked how you took the reader on a journey with you and your persistence, and how that at the end of the poem, you become the type of person you want to be. The Gandhi quote at the end definitely pulled everything together nicely, and it shows how we take inspiration from other leaders and poets and put those into our own writing.