The Sun Gods are Greatly Saddened by Modern Technology
The old gods were so used to being the center of attention
but these days they receive almost none.
Oh, how they try and fail to stay relevant
in an age where we no longer need the sun.
Ra is resentful of our electric bulbs
and the streetlamps that shine so bright
because we no longer need to pray to him
to help us see throughout the night.
And even in the day
we never go outside.
Never letting the sun touch our skin,
surely this must make Apollo cry.
Even Aurora admits some anger
though quickly it fades away.
Since we never wake up at dawn
to see the sunrise that she made.
We don't need the sun for warmth
for we have machines assigned that task
to fend off the chill of wintertime
powered by electricity and burning gas.
Vitamin D now comes in capsules
and UV light can be man made.
The sun gods must feel quite usless
in this high-tech modern age.