I can still hear it ringing in my ear
It’s been months now, but I still can’t shake the fear
Tears roll down my face
Thinking back on the time when I was all but safe
I still remember the stormy weather
The way me and my friends got stuck in that room together
The air was stuffy
The lights were dim
Many of us in fear we wouldn’t see our families again.
With the twist of the lock and the stacking of chairs
We all had hope that we were well prepared
Soon enough there was a bang on the door
A gunshot was fired and rang through my ears once more
My friend looked at me with panic and fear
As she stifled all her cries wiped her and tears
Sirens rang throughout the town
As police instituted a shut down
After hours of waiting and many tears
They announced they had caught him
He would be going to jail for years.
Still to this day I live with the fear
That one day this man will again appear
Anger boils throughout my blood
As I don’t understand how someone could hate this much
There is no reason for such a crime
No reason for anyone to die
Two lives were lost that day
And forever in my minds will they stay
For they lived good lives
So together we must rise
To raise awareness
of this unfair event
Crimes of hate
are nothing to tolerate
for they must be punished
for this will seal their fate.