The Strokes of You
I used to reach for the old
And I do still at times
New is important too though
New can be scary
And old can mean comfort
New allows us evolve
We have to evolve
To be happy
Because we’re not the same people we were yesterday
Or a few months ago
Or a few years
New means now
Future is what is to be
We have to embrace the present
It defines who we are
Although the old does too
Too often we forget though
To tend after our new
It’s such a pretty and important hue
Of the picture that contains who we are
We’re so often afraid of it
Or we neglect it
Because we prefer
Or are fond of
The not now
You have to realize
That all parts of who you are
Deserve your attention
Every single stroke
That compiles you
Is important
And necessary
To make you whole
And to depict the true you
That is painted in His head.
And let me tell you
You are beautiful.