Sometimes it gets late, and I think about Alan
You fought a war for almost 23 years
With battles that took place in hospitals,
But in the end,
We all lost.
I carry your name, your birthday, and now your class ring.
I’m your namesake, your living memory.
I wish you didn’t have to go,
I wish it wasn’t so,
I wish it wasn’t the end of the road.
But, I know,
I know better.
I missed out on a lot of time with you.
But I won’t fall into that trap.
I’ll just remember the times we had,
Instead of the time we lost.
You’ll always be my favorite uncle.
Damn the disease that destroyed you.
Fuck the world that was against you.
And love for the ones that loved you.
And know, you won’t be forgotten.
Every October,
Every birthday,
Every bike ride,
Every long night,
You will be remembered.
Sometimes, Heavy is my heart.
And damp are my eyes.
Especially on these long nights.
I wish you could come back.
I love you, Uncle.