Some Day
One day I saw a person on the ground and no one stopped to help
They walked around and over and past them,
Down the street and around the corner until they were gone
And this person just sat there crying and bleeding,
Drowning in the blood pouring from their arms and face
I ran to them, I ran fast and cried for helped
“Help please someone help! We need help”
But no one stopped
Soon no one was left, they had all gone
Gone down the road and around the corner to their own life
Not caring about those left behind, those left alone
Like us
Like us who care, care about humanity and kindness
I looked down in helpless wonder, shocked at the cruelty of the world
But no one was there
Everything was disappearing, becoming faded and distant
Blood, blood was all that was left but it was my blood
They were my screams that no one heard
And my blood that no one saw
My soul that was drowning in despair, in the blood that poured from my slit wrists
One Day I had a nightmare that I was alone and no one would help me as I died
I woke up screaming and crying but no one came
No one burst through my door to help, to check
It wasn’t a dream it was the truth burred inside, the truth of how I feel