What’s going through there minds right now?
Where are they going?
I’ll never forget there faces…. for now
I know in a few years I will
And yet that doesn’t sadden me,
Although I know it should
These men go through so much,
They fight to protect me
And yet I am not as appreciative as I should be..
They have families
They are wives, mothers, fathers, husbands, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons.
They have lives
And yet I can only think of the negative
The bad they will go through
And then I think of how lucky I am that I don’t have to go through that
I’ve always been told that I have luck.
I wish everyone could be lucky
But then it wouldn’t exist
And then I suppose we all wouldn’t be lucky,
And we would be back to having soldiers fight for us
And little girls like me would write about it
I suppose I will never understand this vicious cycle.
But I can try
Try to understand it
Try to reason with it
I try
May we all try
Try to not get killed
Try to be lucky
Try to be the best we can be
Try to get somewhere in life
Try to never forget those who fight for us.