Smooth Is As Smooth Does
Dedicated to: The Classmate of Political Science II
Fall 1996
You couldn't bribe a hair out of place
He's smooth enough to be Moby's twin
Wearing combat boots
Laced with licorice whips instead of strings
He'll walk around the earth again
Hawking inferential myth
To takers one and all
The media will call his trek
"Smoother the 2nd time around"
In banners across front pages
Of newspapers from all nations
Some previously undiscovered by
Modern press or the original vagabond
Chris (topher Columbus)
Secrets whispered along the voyage
Mean something entirely different
When told out loud to foreign crowds
While tossing kisses to the starving soul
They remind him of tomorrow's left unexplored
And the smooth soothsayer that he is
Spews future days from trusted lips
All the world lingers at his fingertips
In the smoothness of his Universe
War and hate and plague and shame
Are victims to the lame
Abolished to the darkness from hence they came
Never to see the light of day again
His smoothness reigns this domain
With expectation and equality
On his way to eventuality
At journeys end
In retrospect he bows his head
To honor those that said "goodbye"
Along the route
Lost souls and wasted dead
He once led with aplomb
And diplomacy fairer than sunny weather
Truth is...
He earned the feather in his cap
His smoothness belies this fact
END / @3®¡A|_ 01-26-1996