Sleeping With A Stranger
the rain pounded heavily last night
drops of water ran slowly down the car windows
matching the silver trails of the tears that wound down my cheeks
rough hands that weren't yours stroked my skin
unloving arms held me tightly in the dark
and i watched as lightning etched itself into the sky
reminding me of the similar splinters in my broken heart
finally, i closed my tired eyes and leaned into the embrace
of someone who just wasn't you
and imagined that maybe they were
i could feel his breath on my neck
growing slower with sleep and
i let myself drift off too
only i couldn't rest and you were where my mind wandered
i floated back to the days we spent curled together
laughing at jokes that only we would understand
lacing our fingers together and
loving in the way only we know
i try to feel the warmth i did then
but without your body next to mine
i can be nothing but ice cold