Silent Thoughts
Come inside me and know how it feels
To not know yourself
It doesn’t feel real
Step inside the bottomless, black, abyss
That are my shoes
I don’t ever know where I am going
but something still pushes me to move
Feel my skin it’s cold to the touch
Like something died inside me years ago
Did I leave something behind that I was supposed to bring with me
I don’t remember muchBecause the past always holds me down and makes me feel weak
So I learn from my mistakes and continue on with my week
But maybe there’s more than picking up the lesson
Acting like it never happened
after praying silent confessions
But remembering just enough not to do it again..
Moving forward in my life..
Trying to forget the pain..
But thats the thing…I DON’T KNOW
Do I hold on to the past or do I just let it go?
Holding on brings tears and pain..
Letting go brings strength, endurance,Numbness..
To any old feelings that remind me of then…
Maybe there’s a happy place in the middle
To appreciate a new joyous future
A place where horrors won’t haunt me from way back when..