Being heard is a lie.
Children get scoulded for asking "why?"
In this nation we are silenced
By the people who are supposed to be our guidence.
We are herded like sheep,
The only time we can escape is when we're asleep.
From Kindergarden to Senior year
We are shaped by what we hear.
Daily news, terrorists, royal babies,
Distasterous weather, celebrities, and the earthquake in Haiti.
Those are the voices that we hear,
Most of the time enflicting fear.
We are raised scared
And feeling unprepared.
We are taught everyone has a voice and is heard,
But that's where the lines are blurred.
To be heard is a privilege,not a right.
In this nation we need to fight,
Not only for ourselves, but eachother too.
Equal rights for everyone, I know we can push through.
So speak loud, but watch what you say,
Big brother is always listening, night and day.
The government is the queen bee and we are worker bees,
The land of the free doesn't seem too free to me.