Shattered Glass
I used to see myself in the mirror
To see an honest smiling face looking back at me
It didn't matter what people said
Because I was happy enough inside
But it feels like those days are
G oing out of style
O r were they even in style
N obody understands
E veryone is staring
I used to long for company
But I feel myself drawing back
Now that I want to be alone
I can’t escape society
But all it has for me is pity
G et away but please come back
O n my own inside of my head
N othing takes the grief away
E ven when I am smiling
How would they react if I told them all this
Told them I’m hiding my anguish
Let them know how much I’m aching
They think I should be “over it now”
How can I accept my father is
G one from my life
O ne I can’t reach
N o longer on this this Earth
E ach day is a new struggle
I nside I feel courage building
L et me tell them what I’m feeling
L et go of this burning sadness
T hrow away my isolation
R ise from the pile that I lay in
Y ou are now my first confidant