school days
school days!
school days!
learning for the boys
but the girls are just toys
pass them around
and then
just deny it
school days!
school days!
boys can come shirtless
girls have to wear shorts below their knees
because how would
the boys learn
if a girl is confident in her body?
school days!
school days!
protect the boys
it was the girls fault!
she was asking for it in her sweatpants!
school days!
school days!
boys your grades are so great!
girls that A is a disgrace
because guys don't like smart girls
and all blonds
are dumb
school days!
school days!
boys take your space
girl stay small
beacuse boys education
is more inportant
then ours
because school
is for boys to learn
and girls to aid the boys
well I'm done with that
**** the dress codes
and all of that ****
I'm tired
of all of it