A Royal Sacrifice
All I need is the silky touch of you,
Oh, how I love the texture and length
Of your soul. You make my days
Brighter, cleaner, whiter.
All I need is the sight of you
To know that I will be safe
From the rashes of the outside
And I just cannot stand being apart
From you for more than 3 times
A day.
All I need is the sound of you,
The unfurling of your body,
Selflessly sacrificing yourself to others.
How I admire your bravery to
See the unknown.
All I need is the smell of you,
That signature lavender scent
Which captivates and distracts me from
The wreckage that is your world.
Although this is not permanent,
All I need is you,
The rolls and tissue that make up
Who you are.
Toilet paper,
How my body could not survive
Without your 2 ply makeup
And varying sizes.
Bulk, discounted, and all
I need your touch, sight,
Sound, smell.
Your world is my
Porcelain throne,
But you are the royalty.