RED is the violence our kind faces
a discrimination that surpasses
religion and races
An ORANGE tinge outlines
our scars. A reminder of
Injustice comitted this June,
in an Orlando
gay bar.
the Sun always comes up
to warm our lives with
its radience of YELLOW,
no matter how cold we feel
from remarks
badmouthing a gal and a gal
fellow with fellow.
Those who are here
are lucky GREEN
to still have their lives
their freedom
the privilege of not being unseen
but depression often hits those
who deny
who survive
who are frightened to thrive.
Bullying changes you
into a cold,
BLUE hue.
We are outsiders who only wish
to be
To be capable of
happiness under an INDIGO sky
without fear
of being unprotected.
For when the night ends,
those innocent lives
are still
only carvings on headstones
with VIOLET roses
on the ground.
We mourn,
but we rise
We smile,
but we cry for the treatment of
our community.
and just like the
Rainbow chases the sun,
dramatic change for
has only just