A Ringing Whisper
Each night
I lay awake
Waiting and waiting
To listen to that little voice.
It’s the voice
Of my heart,
Of my desire,
Of my dreams.
In the stillness
Of the night
I lay listening
To that silent whisper.
It isn’t strong
Enough to reach
The bubbling crowd.
It empowers me though.
Its vision,
And motivation.
It tells me:
“Be a butterfly;
From a world of darkness
To the colors
Of the vibrant rainbow.”
It tells me:
“Go out there
And be a dainty drop
That will cause a ripple
That goes on and on and on
And will change the way
The world sees itself.”
“Go out there
And be the voice
The world needs,
For more than knowledge
It needs wisdom.”
“Go out there
And be a warrior
Who with the most
Brutal wounds to
Body and soul
Would never give up.”
“Go out there
And be the light
That in this time
Of dreadful darkness
The world needs.”
“In this time
Of silent wars
And hidden agendas
This world needs a light.”
“Tell them
That they don’t need
To go through
What one goes through,
To know
That it hurts.”
“Tell them that
Every ‘It’ll be fun!’
Is not alright.”
“Tell them
To stop going
Tap, tap, tap
And click, click, click
And beep, beep, beep.
“Tell them to stop
To catch a falling
Autumn leaf.”
“To listen to
The whispering willow.
Or blow a wish
On a dancing dandelion.”
“To count
The numerous stars
Studded into
The velvet night sky.”
“Open their eyes
And show them
The globe of glamour
They’re destroying.”
“Show them
The disguised deaths
In the name
Of tainted pride
And trivial tantrums.”
“Show them their
Dear brothers and sisters
They’re losing to
The engrossing evil.”
“Open their ears
To the cries:
‘Mommy, mommy
Don’t go. Daddy won’t
Hit you again.’”
“’It wasn’t my fault.
Not the way I dressed
But the way
Their twisted minds worked!’”
“’Don’t kill me!
Please don’t!
And hundred such cries.”
“Tear away
Their veils of falsehood
And show them the
Bitter bare truth.”
“Awaken their
Sleeping souls
To the light of the world
Being dampened
By pointless passivity.”
“Show them
The light that you see
In them,
Perhaps they never
Knew existed.”
“Show them.
Speak it out and
Bloom them open
Like sunflowers to the sun.”
And each time
I speak out my little voice
I step down
Feeling stronger
And knowing
I changed somebody today…