The Remembrance of A Rogue Love
If you weren't rogue maybe we could have been
If maybe I wasn't human it would have worked
We both are who we are though
And still we fight for each others hands
I don't care about the cutting looks I get
because the only think I see are the silver of your eyes
even when I was shot your eyes, glowing in pain
let me see the silver lining of life
When you turned yourself in to save me
When you bled to keep me warm
When you risked death to love me
I loved you back all the more
The family you felt so close to
denied your existence for the longest time
and now brought back to life
I fear you would leave me
When I told you this you held me tighter
the silver flashing in anger at my thought
You will love me forever, won't you?
I don't have to worry about you, don't I?
The rain cannot wash away my feelings
I wear on my sleeve like a scar.
The sun cannot burn away my love
like it does my age.
And so, my Nicholas, we can be
as we thought we couldn't
I hope you remember me like this
when we are turning the earth in our hands.