
Senior year is finally here,
Bittersweet yet fun,
With football games and homecoming,
It's only just begun.
My friends, they stick beside me,
as they have year after year,
But soon this journey will come to an end,
I know I'll shed a tear.
But life will push me in a direction where,
success will meet me there,
The memories of which I'm fond,
Will never disappear.
The people who surround me,
Helped shape who I' ve become,
Their impact forever imprinted,
And a new life yet to come.
These things don't make me gloomy,
For why would I be sad?
These things provided happiness,
And for that I'm forever glad.
For one thing I am certain,
Of this I know for sure,
Find happiness in things around you,
Life passes in a blurr.