Raise the Curtain
The show is about to start
But our star isn’t ready
She has never shown her face to the public
She has always worn a mask
And for once it will be gone
She will show for one night
Who she is
Act I Scene I
A three year old girl enters
She is in her room
Clutching her teddy bear
She plugs her ears and that’s when it begins
The yelling and the screaming
Crashes echo all around her
Cop sirens can be heard
Her father is being taken away
She whispers, “Thank god.”
Act I Scene II
A five year old girl enters
She is sitting in a doctors office
The doctor walks in, a therapist
She holds a book and a bear
The bear gets passed off to the little girl
The light changes and there is something you didn’t notice before
The little girl has a bald spot
She reaches up and just as she’s about to pull
The therapist stops her and shakes her head
The little girl nods and lowers her head
Act I Scene III
An eight year old girl enters
She sits in her fathers car
Behind the front seats
On the floor
She could not believe her father meant this
When he said he loved her.
Act I Scene IV
A ten year old girl enters
All skin and bones
The sounds of birds chirping can be heard
Whispers of “You eat like a bird”
Shouts asking “Are you anorexic?”
The little girl stands, trembling
Shaking her head left to right
Trying to keep the attention away from her
Bright lights flash
And the girl is gone
Act II Scene I
A twelve year old girl enters
Surrounded by a dark ominous light
She refuses to smile
Her mask has been created
She hides behind jokes and laughter
She can’t tell the truth
She can’t draw attention to herself
Act II Scene II
A thirteen year old girl enters
Her heart has just been broken
Her friends laugh at her
Tell her how glad they were that they broke up
No one supported her
The laughter continues
It echoes as everyone walks away
She is left alone
“Once again.” she whispers
Act II Scene III
A fifteen year old girl enters
Her friends talk behind her back
Whispers that she can hear
“She just tries to get everyone’s attention.”
“She’s a follower.”
“She’s a hypocrite.”
The whispers get louder and louder as they get repeated
The room she is in gets cast in a red light
She leaves no remains of her evident pain.
Act II Scene IV
A sixteen year old girl enters
All alone she sits
And cries
Her only friends left her
She gets ready to die
A bright light flashes
And a whisper of a name exhales through the wind
A reminder of one friend who never left
A smile graces her face for the first time in years
Act II Scene V
A seventeen year old girl enters
She is surrounded by people
She smiles, but something is still amiss
She still has her mask on
But it has started to crack
With each smile
With each laugh
With each friend
The mask is cracking
Act II Scene VI
An almost eighteen year old girl enters
She has applied for college
She has been accepted
She is excited
She is thankful she didn’t end her life
The mask is gone
A permanent smile
An interest for life shines
Her weight is back, with muscles
Her smile, her laughter
They returned with hardly any dent
They are still rusty from not being used
But the mask no longer blocks the sound of her happiness