The Queen Bee Conformity
We line up like marching ants
We listen to the Queen Bee.
Tell me what to do
Tell me what to be
I sweat
I smell
I stress
The #2 pencil shakes in my hand
a chewed up eraser
a chewed up brain
The fait of my life
rests on standarized tests.
Set fire to them
Set fire to my life
I am doomed,
my test scores are too low.
Constantly in the shadow of the superiors.
My sleepless nights dedicated to this dogmatic
right of passage.
What is childhood?
What is High School?
A dystopian institution.
We are all marching ants
We all listen to the Queen Bee
We are mindless drones
Our futures are determined
By 80 questions.
Be careful
For if you fail
You are doomed
To continue this life that was already assumed.
Don't listen to voices
Follow your own path.
Don't stray
Don't sway
Be true to you
Don't mimick the trend
Don't be a mindless robot
"There's always a fork in the road
and I took the path less traveled by." (Frost)
I will not conform
Bend or sway
I will be the Queen Bee
and you will listen to my melody.