Quarter Understood
Yesterday is one less piece in forever.
Onward moving without regret,
Understanding nothing of human pain.
Sometimes it would be nice to put Time on a leash,
Eventually It could understand what it puts us through.
Eventually It would seek forgiveness .
When will It stop pulling us along,
Hearing our cries for the ones lost.
Evilly laughing as we fall away,
Never has Time felt the pain of loss.
Yet It takes from us those we hold dear.
Only concerned with Its own ambition,
Undercutting our chance at hope and dreams.
Are we to simply surrender to this Monster,
Relinquishing life simply for being old.
Each of us dreams of eternity .
Always wondering why we must desire the unattainable,
Past is out of reach and present is too quickly past.
Awaiting a single chance to escape this ever forward march,
Staying one place is not how It works.
Time ensures our involuntary movement to what lies beyond.
Owning our movements as we sacrifice so much of its precious self,
Remembering what we have lost is Its poison.
Still moving on is its draw,
Kindly It gives us rest to see what lies beyond this life.
It knows what is beyond that hidden gate.
Divulging that truth only when it is too late to change your mind,
Everyone has their own opinion.
Varying due to their individual heart’s sway,
Eventually Time will tell the truth.
Ruining individuality with the one truth beyond.
Yet we ignore this powerful and wise mentor,
Only to live each day as each day comes.
Not lasting in one moment but existing in many,
Everything comes down to this one rule..
Everything must surrender to Time even before the will expires
X-ing out our lives without bias,
Perfectly selecting that which marks the beginning and end.
Every effect of Its touch is to decay,
Certainly with such a long lasted adversary.
There would have been a way found to win for once,
So much hinges on this concept this identity.
Many circumvent Time in untimely loss.
Underestimating Time’s intentions,
Challenging Time is a failure.
How many losses have we suffered ignorantly,
Maybe if we stood a little longer.
Or stood a little braver we could have a chance,
Redefining the beginning and end Time describes.
Else ways we may be found the villains.
For to say alive after alive and kill is to be a murder,
Rather than a redefine of Time’s rules.
Only a quarter understood and so, confused,
Mostly we just don’t comprehend This force.
Yesterday may be gone,
Only leaving today for us to have.
Under the false pretense that a second lasts forever .