Pussy Slayer
Why am I the easy one when you too, were in the act?
Why does my vagina limit me, to every single terrible thing just associated with sex?
Why can’t a girl want sex, and not be a hoe?
But he can want sex and get cheers?
If she has multiple lovers, she’s a slut
But he’s a
Pussy Slayer!!
Why can’t women touch themselves?
Males scream they jack off to everyone,
but as soon as women masturbate,
the sky is falling!
Men, rooted on for having multiple orgasms.
As soon as she does it, boom!
A Whore!
not just now, but forever.
Females are judged, shamed, and cat called
until every single person, with a vagina, will no longer be unique
Because every one of them, have the same mental issues
caused by a society who embarrassed women for sex while men are Praised
at the kings highest of honor.
For doing what exacly?
oh, the same reason she has no Real friends.
But we can just call all that the wage gap,
Cause men have never experienced it,
and thus,
it must not exist.