Proud of Me
I don't understand why everybody cares so much.
Look at me!
I am tall.
I am big.
I am loud.
I am strong.
Where is the problem?
Listen to me!
I am smart.
I am brave.
I am opinionated.
I am bright.
Why is that wrong?
Talk to me!
I am pale.
I am freckled.
I am imperfect.
I am unfiltered.
Why do you care?
Can't I be me,
Happy how I am,
Uncovered in all my glory,
Without beady eyes,
Watching, judging, hating
My every move,
Making me hate myself,
Because you can't stand,
Anyone loving themselves,
So everyone must suffer,
And filter,
And change,
To be as miserable,
As you.
But you can't win,
Not as long as I stand,
Proud of what I created,
Proud of what I worked on,
Proud of what I exposed,
Proud of me.