Proud to be Alone
The prospect of independence,
The idea of alone time,
With no friends around,
I just do my own thing.
Everyday would be a new adventure.
Everyday would be something interesting.
A busy life is not just work.
It can be anything.
It could be...
A trip to Japan... absorb its interesting culture.
A chance to go skydiving... you can bring your dog.
A buffet... try eating four platefuls.
A new show on Netflix... make fun of a documentary.
A new video game... Grand Theft Auto, anyone?
A walk in the park... perhaps with your shirt off.
A crazy public stunt... worth breaking your nuts for.
A dance party... in your bedroom... at three in the morning.
I don't give a care about the world.
I'll just be myself.
If no one is willing to let you off on your own,
Just tell them
"I'm proud to be alone!"