You want change you say,
and here you all are preaching it.
Preaching it to please. Please who?
Yourselves? Pu-lease.
Oh, oh, oh! I'll change lives.
Lives? I'll change human nature. The world I'll change.
How? Don't be unrealistic now.
Give up on making a difference.
Sorry. Who are you anyway. Who are we?
We who write and hope and write and compete and fight for change and just sit and write. And change?
Yeah, right. "Right on. Onward and upward. It's up to you."
Ok, you? Please. You?
Me? Really?
Yes. That's what you said. Think before you speak.
Didn't mama tell you?
Yes. Why?
Listen to her. You can't change nuthin'.
But you can dream. So keep doing that.
Oh, and while you're at it think again.
Why are you preaching change?
Are you not happy?
Love the world?
Love yourself?
So now that my point has reached
you and your tiny little ears
hearing and absorbing and learning nothing,
what would you like to change?
Who would you like to please?
Them? Who's them? The world? Please.
They can't hear you.
Scream. Any reponse? No.
Fight to please the world, not change it.
And please yourself by being just that:
And start where change is obviously needed:
within. Please.