A Planet of Opportunities
I am the dreamer of a million things
the one who believes in all those nostalgic childhood dreams
as time grows, so does the concept of doubt constantly looming,
but in a little section of my brain a passion chooses to ignite
I am the dreamer of a million things
I choose to believe that one day I will finally reach......
the impossible planets I've set for myself
I dream of the day that I can finally have their orbits within my grasp
and feel the way their bumpy surface, grooves my hand
with constelattions of blood and sweat marking me
I am the dreamer of a million things
who wishes that one day I can finally prove that maybe just maybe
this love I struggle with daily, and the constant obstacles I'll overcome....
Will one day fufill me with the same pleasure I feed into it,
And-- Asteroids will hurtle at me with grandeur
but eventually I'll be like Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong,
Standing upon the planets I've formed with firm feet
able to give a cheesy line or possibly write a book about the strife
I am the dreamer of a million things
Most of all though, I'm dreaming of the day I can say with strength
that Hey world, Hey sky, Hey Space, Hey Galaxies, I've made it
I've finally conquered all your constelations!
That's the day when I can show people that the little girl they trampled for so long
....has got a mightier voice than a lion
....has a determination that even a cheetah would run from,
but most of all THAT IS THE DAY in which I can announce that I've made it into ....
a male-dominated field and a conitnually taxing world,
I'll scream it to thr entire universe because at that moment is when I can declare
That little old me, Tiffany Lastinger, is a chemical engineer extroidinare
I am the dreamer of a million things
the chaser of impossible dreams
and the screamer of certianty that I will make it come true.
I am the dreamer of a million things.