pills - another, more, stop
United States
40° 10' 27.354" N, 83° 5' 23.3484" W
See map: Google Maps
United States
40° 10' 27.354" N, 83° 5' 23.3484" W
See map: Google Maps
Take another.
But it wasn't working.
Just take another.
But I feel terrible.
Take another.
This isn't working;
I don't like this.
Try another.
But I don't want to.
Just try another.
But the last one didn't work.
Try another.
These aren't working;
I hate this.
Try a few more.
But the last two didn't work.
Just try a few more.
But what will happen?
Try a few more.
The last didn't work;
How will these mix?
Stop taking those.
But I thought they were working.
Just stop taking those.
I thought they were helping!
Stop taking those.
I'm afraid to do this;
I want it do be done.