I wish I could see the light,
But that's a struggle, a fight.
The past has made me stronger
Indeed, I shall live longer
Pushed against the wall,
You sure enjoyed watching me fall, right?
Is that what you wanted?
---- To take my life?
You humiliated and destroyed me
I was nowhere near free
Pushing me to fences, scarring me
For over ten years, you were a bully
I am now afraid to be happy
To be who I want to be
But I am who I am
I have dealt with bullies
Some days I awake with no confidence
Thinking; why am I still alive?
Were we born to die?
Were we born to suffer?
---- You sure made it seem like it
You sure made me stronger
And indeed, I shall live longer
"Thank You" is all I can say,
Deep inside, I hope something bad comes your way