The Pearl in the Oyster
Souls stride with unbridled passion,
Beings coalescing into a society as
A heterogeneous fluid of
Raw, fearlessly flawed humanity.
Yet why is it
That we do not hear
Each other?
We walk in silent acquiescence,
Our minds unyielding as we
Forget to yell, mettle felled
By the eccentric ecosystem surrounding.
Why is it
That we do not see
Each other?
We see comely oysters in all
Colors, time-ridged textures, as the
Pearls of the mind
Erode, a slow slide into dereliction.
Why is it
That we do not feel
Each other?
The dusty gray populace drifts
With words of age to trade,
Stories, their denouements languishing
Lusterless and cloistered.
We write in inky filaments drawn
From the indefatigable diversity of
Human life, to calcify our inspiration
As a literary pearl in an oyster.