I did not ask you too,
But you did anyways.
You plucked innocence from me
Like a child picks a soft peach
From a low hanging branch.
You sucked my sweet nectar.
You sucked the sweetness out of me
With greedy lips,
And a dangerous smile.
I was left empty.
But you did not leave,
I wish you would,
But you don’t
Pushing advances
And warding others from my fruit
As if you had already taken a bite of each one.
Maybe you have.
But I will grow new fruit,
Better than that which was stolen.
They will be plumper
And more colorful
And riper than those you took.
They will never be as sweet though.
They will always be a bit bitter.
Not because of you,
But because that’s how I want to be.
I want to remember
I will remember
Everything you did to me.
I’ll use that as my fuel
And twist it into me
Like roots
It is a part of who
I Am.
A part that makes
Me strong,
But it’s an action
You took
That only makes you weak.