Paris & Me
She was a little bundle of joy that I brought home
A week old Golden retriever with shining golden coat
Short ears, a straight muzzle, and a feathery tail
Why I named her Paris I had no particular reason?
Maybe she reminded me of Paris, the city I love
She became the youngest member of our family
An explorer and inquisitive with never ending curiosity
One moment she was here and next moment gone
She was in every nook and corner I couldn't think of
She ruled the place like an undisputed queen
All she wanted was those little hugs and caresses
Returning the favour many times than she received
There she was licking my toe telling me to move on
That was her way of telling me to fix her meal
She'd have her milk from bottle sitting on my lap
Time flew on and soon she grew quite big and tall
Every day she would learn a new trick a new prank
She recognised sound of my car and footsteps too
She would be waiting for me right at the main door
To welcome me back at home after another tiring day
She would be looking at me inquiringly as if asking
How was your day at office and did you miss me?
That was also her walk - time in the park nearby
That would happen after she had her cashew cookies
Her day wouldn't end without a goodnight pat from me
She was always there for me, be it good times
Or not so good times, bad times, and terrible times
When I got my first car she was there in the back seat
I received double promotion she was there to cheer me
She wished me when I left for my first overseas trip
When my father stopped talking to me it was she
Who consoled and amused me by her little antics
She sat by my side all day after I had that nasty accident
She celebrated my victories and lamented my losses
She also shared my joy and mourned my grief
My home was her home my people were her people
We were two different beings with one common soul
I don’t know was I her alter-ego or was she mine
Sadly a canine has a different life span and journey
What is minute for us is like long hours for them
When she lost youth and entered old age I didn't realise
Gradually even going for a stroll was too much for her
She was no more the old brat she once used to be
Power and speed wasn't the only thing she lost
She also lost her vision and her sharp reflexes
She was deteriorating fast and losing her will to live
Things as routine as sitting was herculean task for her
She would just lay next to me looking with her sad eyes
Even her fav cashew cookies no more enthused her
I can never forget that gloomy 14th October evening
It was drizzling outside and I had just come from office
They were all standing in the hallway surrounding Paris
She lay still on a mat, eyes closed with a heavy breathing
I took Paris in my lap like a child and drove to vet's clinic
I knew she had very little time left but miracles do happen
It took just five minutes for doctor ro decide her fate
Paris was in lot of pain and he could do nothing
Her misery had only one remedy, that last injection
Now only pentobarbital injection could give her relief
That one decision was obviously the toughest of my life
The vet was ready to perform the noble act of euthanasia
Paris, I knew if one thing she was afraid off was darkness
But tonight wasn't a good day to die for someone so dear
If she had to die she will do it on a sunny morning
I took back her home, our home for last twelve years
She'd made many rides to home, this was just her last
It was the darkest night of my life I spent wide awake
Last 12 years of our life was played in the slow motion
There were moments of all kind, comic, happy, poignant
It was almost next morning when my tired eyes gave in
I saw Paris in my dreams, we were climbing a steep slope
I recalled many years ago Paris and me went for a trek
My sleep was disrupted by that familiar touch of Paris
I opened my eyes and saw Paris standing next to me
Licking my left hand like she always enjoyed doing
It was impossible for someone who couldn't even stand
To this day I don't have the faintest clue how she did that
Maybe she was saving this last reserve of energy for me
It was her thank you for a beautiful life that we shared
Finally, it was now time to take her for that last journey
When she was laid on the table for the lethal injection
She opened her eyes one last time and looked at me
I knew she was now ready for that last long journey
I buried her near the small hillock next to our home
Paris was my first and last pet I didn't go for one again
I couldn't find love for another pet, maybe it all dried up
Whatever I had to offer Paris grabbed it all and more.