Pain of Love
You once told me I was beautiful,
But now you call me ugly.
Whose fault is that I think,
Never daring to speak.
Bruises adorn my body,
Never seem to fade.
I muffle my cries at night,
Trying to escape.
Escape the nightmare I call reality.
I try to sleep, but even there
You haunt me.
The slaps,
The punches,
the looks of disgust.
But worst of all...
the words.
At least the bruises fade.
I have no friends,
You told me to stop
The second you realized
My happiness was
No longer created by you.
Instead it was every time
I escaped from you.
Why is my freedom restricted?
Because I love you
You said.
Is this what love is?
Never happy,
No friends,
I can't live like this,
A dark life with no escape.
It seems so easy,
To just leave,
But I can't.
Once again, I get wrapped in
To your commands.
Yes, okay, I'm sorry.
But why was I sorry?
Not for what I did to you,
Sorry for myself.
Sorry that I didn't say no soon enough.