Open Fortune Cookie On A Rainy Day
“Go with your gut feeling."
I don’t feel anything
Except the heat from my brain
Coupled with the pain of thinking of him
Cause I can’t, Won’t let myself stop thinking of you
The home I never knew existed
The only corner of my mind that comforts me when I return to bondage
And all these years the thought of you kept me intact
Love who never was
I still love you because
What does make me feel is you.
But it’s a faux utopia
And I know it
And I hate this
It's pathetic.
When you visit my dreams I declare soulmate
it’s like you’re with me
visiting me because you know I miss you
And I swear you think of me too
But did you?
Never responded to me or let me know it was over
Just left me for seven months
And I stepped away
Without another option
I grew colder at the thought you could do this on purpose.
To me!
Is it worth it?
Do you feel close to ANYTHING I felt for you?
I doubt it.
Because you never really cared did you?
And you only ever talked about what I didn’t say
But what gets me is it didn’t matter anyways
Because the words you say I didn’t say
Were the words you never would.