an open door
I think i've been saying goodbye all my life.
Sure I say hello
but the whole time i've got one foot in the door
ready to make my getaway
when things go south
because I am one of those things.
most people you meet
are flickers and shadows
gone so quickly
passing through your life
and some people are doorstops.
and no matter how hard you try
you can't get rid of them
not even if you attack them with a crowbar
expose only the worst parts of your soul
kick and scream and cuss them out
these are the best friends
and the stalkers in your life
always there for you
even when you don't need them
don't want them.
and I think
I have become a doorstop
instead of a flicker-flame
rock hard and so tired
bruised and battered
I go door to door
trying to find where I belong
all the while stuck with
everyone I meet
scarred hands and heart
I'm walking down the hall
pacing really
in this cage
always watching
for signs of life
in all these faces
wandering through the
halls of my own mind
looking for the exit sign
through this careful study
I have only discovered
I don't care anymore
bring on the crazy
bring on the end
bring on the shallow
bring on the world
bring it all
I just want out.