One of a Kind
What your problem ? Whats the reason you dislike me ?
Oh, I get it , you wanna be just like me.
Is it my style, my clothes , the way that i dress?
The pizazz , the Swag , the way i look to fresh?
No ?
Well is it the smile that i carry. The personality I have .
Is it the way I hold my head high ? Is that what makes you mad.
WAIT. I GOT IT , Say no more . Say no more
Its the cockiness i have ? That Black beautiful Pride?
Is it the way that i make others feel good when they feelin down inside?
My ability to show the world My Creative writing skills
My mind blowing Body that gives you the chills.
HAHAHA Girl i get it ?
You wanna be just like me
Well i my dear am one of a kind
There is none other like me .