One Up On God
(poems go here) One Up on God
By: Kayla Logan
How many times do we try this,
To get one up on God?
Do we ever accomplish you ask,
This one upping of our God?
Well lets go back, look and see,
Has any one got one up on God?
Having a better plan or goal,
Would be a one up on God?
You hear this and it sounds dumb,
To try and get one up on God.
Yet looking back we see it is so,
Humans do try to one up God.
Start in Genesis and you will find
Eve tried to one up God with fruit.
Then death entered in when Cain,
Tried to One up God by killing Abel.
Destroyed by the flood is the result,
Of one upping God in His standards.
Then building a tower to Heaven
Was how language one upped God.
Abraham his mistress and baby,
One upped God on His timing.
Sarah got be a pillar of salt, a statue,
For looking back to get one up God.
Drunkeness and immorality is how,
Lot and family chose to one up God.
Esau sold his soul to Jacob,
who robbed him to one up God.
Rachel’s dad tricked a marriage,
In order to get one up on God.
Jacob wrestled an angel,
gaining a weakness one upping God.
Dinah was defiled by Schechem,
cause he wanted to get one up on God.
Joseph’s brothers sold him to slavery,
To rid of jealousy to one up God.
Judah and Tamar sinned immorally,
keeping the covenant, one upping God.
Potiphar’s wife told a lie to be rid,
of a servant trying not to one up God.
Moses kills an Egyptian to be safe,
No punishment he one upped God.
Pharaoh won’t listen to Moses,
He knows best, he one upped God.
In worshiping a golden calf,
Aaron led a one up on God.
The children of Israel wandered,
For forty years for one upping God.
Nadab and Abihu were burned,
When they tried to one up God.
Ten were bad and two were good,
When the spies got one up on God.
Korah tried to rebel against Israel,
He wanted to get on up God.
Moses hit the rock and water came,
Not how planned, he one upped God.
Balaam donkey has to speak,
on behalf of getting one up on God.
Moses died never enter the land,
Because he got one up on God.
Achan, family, and his greed for gold,
One upped God and caused death.
Deborah became a female prophet,
Cause Israel tried to get one up on God.
The Midianites fell to Gideon,
They thought they were up on God.
Samson played around with immorality,
Thinking he had the one up on God.
Naomi ended up with no family,
When Elimelech tried to one up God.
Saul becomes king, because of Israel,
They wanted the same to one up God.
David almost dies due to a javelion,
Now king Saul wanted to one up God.
Deog was a traitor and a liar,
who wanted glory, one up on God.
The witch at Endor helped Saul,
When had a call to one up God.
Saul committed suicide in war,
Cause his will was one up on God.
David was immoral and a murder,
Gaining regret he was one upping God.
Solomon had so many wives,
Taking advantage to get one up on God.
Jehu killed Joram to try and be,
all he wanted, another one up, God.
When rebuilding the wall Sanballat,
laughed trying to get one up on God.
Israel in and out of captivity,
because the sin of one upping God.
Haman and family hung in the gallows,
Trying to one up God by being god.
Jobs friends and wife were punished,
mocking God, trying to get one up on Him.
Satan was made a fool thanks to Job,
When he tried to get a big one up on God.
Tyrus was not smart and got into pride,
Which is not good when trying to one up God.
Named for false gods was only four,
When Babylon captured and one upped God.
Nebuchadneezer wandered in the field,
due to being great having one up on God.
Jonah ended up in the belly of a whale,
due to trying to go one up on God.
Hundreds of babies killed due to Herod,
in his self absorption tried to one up God.
Pharisees and Sadusees tried to look good,
But they sure did not get one up on God.
Judas turned in Jesus for silver,
He thought he really had one up on God.
Saul participated in killing Stephen,
Stopping the Gospel he had one up on God.
Timothy was not faithful and left,
He did not think he one upped God.
Onesimus ran off as a slave,
He wanted to one up God.
These are just some of the countless examples,
Of when we humans tried to one up God.
Truth is though in every case it was bad,
They never truly got one up on God.
Page after page has been filled by man,
Trying to show they have one up on God.
Oh how the irony here is clear,
We will never have one up on God.
With a God who loves us so,
We never have to have one up on God.
Lord please help us trust you in everything,
Help us never need to have one up on You.
I want to honor you in everything I do,
I never want one up on You.
No matter what the plan is or how hard.
To stay faithful and let you have one up on me.