A Glimpse of You
My soul is downcast from fighting in the flesh.
So far and distant, a glimpse of You is what I need.
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You.
I am lost in a dry land without direction, with no destination,
No one to come to my rescue.
I desperately thirst for the living water,
Pure like the river in heaven that floods from the throne of God bringing life.
We've meet before,
You used to visit me in my dreams,
but how long ‘till you speak to me again?
Day and night, I longed to see Your face,
I cry out loud for Your embrace.
Forever until we meet again I will yearn for a delight encounter with the Almighty.
So, when can I go and meet with You again?
My soul thirsts for a glimpse of the living God.
(Psalm 42)