Oil Paints
Why is it that I, with all of me,
Can only paint your skin with words?
That even in the absence of We or Us,
I can only mix a certain proportion of
Commas and ellipses and periods
To use your eyelashes as canvases
For the tears that come with defeat.
Why is it that I, with all of me,
Can only use brushes made of silk
Sins, to make a painted tapestry
Of deliverance?
That even in the absence of We or Us,
I can only manage a lie and a verb
When all I meant to say was what was
Once painted on me,
By some other great orator,
Who taught me that love is the speech
That nobody seems to know how to say
The right way.
He taught me as one ought to be taught;
He took his brush of sins
And his mixture of commas and ellipses and periods
And tickling my intelligence and
Poking at my wit,
Spending hours of wasted time speaking run-ons,
He painted a portrait of myself on my own skin.
A speech about love that
Nobody seems to know how to say the right way.