Oh Lord, This Woman Said No
"After working all day.."
Tired, i bet,
All day had she worked, worked up a darn good sweat,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
This woman, Rosa Parks, on her daily routine
To catch the bus, going home,
All these sights she had already seen,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
She paid her fare and then took a seat,
"coloreds only" of course,
Man, what this ride would mean for blacks in relations to defeat,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
He boarded the bus, a Caucasian fellow,
Rosa was demanded to relinquish her seat,
Her reply, surprisingly mellow,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
Her retort caused movements, her arrest and protests,
Decisions would be made,
Negroes would follow in HER footsteps,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
Unprecedented--the effects it would have on America,
How one word could hold so much power,
Probably caused many a medical diagnosis of Hysteria,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.
All in all, what this means for me--Rosa's use of a single word,
Confidence, empowerment, a chance at an equal education,
Unless by choice, from my decisions in life--i cannot deterred,
Oh Lord, this woman said no.