Oh, Darling
Position one
Position two
Position three
And what the mirror sees
Is unlike any other
With your strong legs
And confident hips
Poised hands
And pursed lips.
Your eyes
And now you are on your own.
Dance quick
And in comes the
Whirling scent
Of lavender and sweat.
And as you step
Sway and spin
You slink into the folds
Of your black and white silk.
Oh, darling,
You think you are slick
As you lightly step around them
Hardly make a sound.
And you hope no one will notice
You hope no one will notice.
Your feet are sore
Red with the blisters
Of your worn out ballet slippers.
But there’s more to your dance.
Finally, you step away
You breathe in deeply and tell yourself
It’ll be okay
As your ankles shake
And your knees wobble.
But you can make
The spirit within the girl
With the oval face
And glowing olive skin
And the eyes
That shine.