Not My Sister's Galaxies
If you would have asked me in third grade
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would have told you a librarian
There was something so therapeutic to be in a room so contained
Yet so lively
And so open when those spines on those books crack
Waiting to show the worlds they hold inside
But that is no longer me.
If you would have asked me in eighth grade
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I would have told you a model
My introverted tendencies contracting my choice
But my desire to be accepted
To be beautiful
To be noticed
Took charge of my thoughts daily
But that is no longer me.
If you would ask me now in my last year of high school
What do you want to be when you grow up?
As I try to stay afloat
Amid the four AP classes
Teachers on my backs
College at the corner
Anxieties in my chest each night
Parents telling me my grades aren’t good enough,
I would say an artist
A career that won’t pay the bills
But one that makes my heart sing
And for right now, this is me.
They always say that high school is a time to find yourself
So I tried
I took art on a whim because my sister did
And I liked it
And so I stayed
I didn’t start out good
I might not even be good now
But I have started finding myself
Because when my sister picked up her chalk pastels
And swirled them around on that paper
Creating colorful galaxies that no one has ever discovered
And she told me to try
I couldn’t
Those galaxies were not my own
That color was not my insides
That was not the real me
And I knew it
My galaxies were like scribbles
And so I thought my art was bad.
But I kept on trying
I tried painting
But that brush could not feel the emotions I did
That canvas did not play the music I wished it would
And those bright colors did not show my perceptions of the world
And so I thought my art was bad.
But I finally picked up that charcoal
And dragged it across that paper
Creating a face that this world has never seen
It was a face unique amongst seven billion others in the world
And I finally realized my art was good.
I am an artist
I see the world in black and white
I am not my sister
I am not my classmates
I am not my parents
I am not my pressures
I am me
I am an artist
And I am trying to see my art as good.