This Is Not The End
This day was coming
We saw it from the horizon
And how akward it is
Now that we can hold it in our hands
But It'll pass us by
This is just a new beginning
Because we know somewhere deep down
Inside, This is not the end;
Maybe. Just maybe we can hold
Them, between our fingers as
It slowly passes by and find some
Comfort and relief knowing you have
Touched many hearts
You have held mine
And memories through time
Time which makes you leave
And while you do,
Some of us will stay, and
Others will go
And though my voice is a little broken
I hope yours will never fail to
Go beyond your ears that see
And eyes that hear
Maybe it'll go deep in the sea
Or travel beyond despair
Or maybe, someday,
Your voice will become part of
The wind
That everyone will breathe
And love until the very last one
Because you are now a part of the
A part of a breeze
A part of me