Dear Neighbor.
My family isn't from around here.
I did not grow up in these coastal neighborhoods.
It's not like your family.
With your nice dog
and your kind husband
and your quiet sons.
You are always put together.
White teethed smiles
sparkling necklaces
cashmere sweaters.
My friends' moms all like you.
But when you acknowledge my family
it's to send a patronizing smile our way.
You hate my dog.
She's old and wanders into your yard when we don't watch her.
I bring her back and you ignore my apologies.
You hate my dog, but you hate my mom more.
It's in the way you don't look at her when she says hello
or when you look down your pretty nose at her if you do.
My mother is blunt
she is real and she is kind.
And she does not put up false pretenses.
We are not like you neighbor.
My family is small
and healing from a past you know nothing of.
Do not smile down on us with your false kindness.
My family is not from around here, neighbor.
You do not know us.