The Natural Solution
My dear reader, I strived to be God's helper.
I engaged myself in the conflict against evil,
Yet, I could not conquer my own vice.
I strived to be the light of the people,
Yet, how distant and dark have I become?
I yearned to be a kind and Loving kid,
Yet, how fearful and unnatural I've become?
The more I strived, the more things seem out of reach.
The more I strived, the more emptiness and sadness I encountered.
My heart was hurting from the self-created siege
My mind was under attack from my inner conflicts.
How Can Peace truly exist when Good and Evil constantly fight?
How can Love truly exist when there's always darkness out there?
These conflicts of mine exist day and night,
Oh, how can Peace truly exist?
The more I strive to have a true Peace of mind,
the farther I am from achieving it.
I should simply just stop trying,.......
I should just stop the self-lying.........
Time to put an end to the endless fighting..........
and put an end to the endless cries.........
I can't take it anymore.......
I have to.......I have to......Let Go.......
Let Go..............
Just Let Go...............
Of Course!
Of Course!
How Silly was I?
Of Course!
I understand now!
The moment I stop dwelling and striving, is the moment I become Natural!
When I am Natural,
I am already Loving to begin with.
When I am Natural,
I have already achieved Inner Peace to start with.
When I am Natural,
I can always achieve my full potential!
When I am Natural,
I can let go the illusion of control!
There never was the conflict of Good and Evil.
My bloody war never happened!
But the act of striving made it real,
And letting go of the struggle made it vanish.
The moment I let go........
The moment WE let go.......
Is the true moment we achieve Peace and Joy.
Just be Natural..............................
Just be Natural...........................
Being Natural is Always More Than Enough.