My Tears
Why cant you see
That he is the one
The one for me
The choices I make
Are the right ones for me
I wish you would give yourself the chance
To show everyone
What I see in you
So I wont have to hear
Leave him alone
Dont talk to him
There are better people
The you I see
deserves much more than you think
You are the reason
For my tears
Tears of
And sorrow
They dont see that
My heart
I try to
Play the role
Of macho man
But I cant
Not anymore
So as my tears fall
I wonder
Is it
Worth it?
How I long to be
Wrapped in your strong arms
To see you smile
And to know
Somehow it is because of me
It's hard to hold back
My love
All for and because of you
I really need you
To understand and trust me
Whan I say "Baby, I love you"
When I say "I want to be with you"
When I say "I am here for you"
I want you to see
Here I am
Prostrated before you
Humbling myself
Because I know that's what I must be
To make this work
I don't want our love
To die because
Of how everyone else
Want us to feel.
I want to know
How you feel
What you want
What you see when you look at me
I know you are
Avoiding and afraid of getting hurt
Afraid of the dispair
But I couldn't hurt you
I wouldn't
I want to love you
I want to give you my all
No one understands
Why I want to give
You all of my love
Why I want it to be you
That I marry
Have kids with you
Make love to you
I miss you so much
I miss our love
I miss the you that used to look at me
Touch me
For no reason at all
And then when I looked back at you
You wouldn't look away
You would stare back into my eyes
Or maybe kiss me
I remember when we were so shy
I remember breaking down each other's shell
And letting our love overflow between us
I remember the first time we kissed
I remember our first date
Our first dance
We used to be so happy
We used to care
We used to love each other
Now we both wallow in dispair
But it doesn't have to be that way
Is it really that hard
To let our love grow
To let our love manifest
To let it take flight
To rise to the heights of our ecstacy
Only to slow ride the hill down
When our time is over
I know that right now you are going through a lot
But baby so am I
I really need you to understand
And trust me
When I say
I want to be with you
More than anything that I have wanted
I love your ways
I love your smile