My Sister's Keeper
“What were you expecting?”
That was your response
That was all I needed to know
In order not to respond
The term
Is used in reckless ways when
It comes to relationships
Our number
The number of years that we’ve been friends
But six years of friendship
Seems to have gone down the drain
Over an overreaction
I’m sorry!
I don’t know how many times I can
Apologize to you
We’ve been through a lot
Always been there for one another
Like “sisters”
That’s how we identified our relationship
Four months without having
One of our pow-wows
Girl, you know!
I know you remember!
The times where we’d stay up for hours
Talking about
Love, our relationships, family
But the best part was reminiscing about the good ol’ days
Like the time we both told our moms that we were staying at the other’s house
And end up staying at a friend’s crib
How about that time
When we got our first tattoos together
The day before the New Year
Remember how we used to write each other when you were in boot camp?
I always looked forward to each letter
Annoying the school post office worker wondering if one was waiting in box 835
Holidays went by
Didn’t see one another
And we both had access to cars
And were in the same state
Now there’s fault to be had on both sides
And the phone works both ways
But try and see this from my eyes
Because you never opened up to me
About how you felt about what I said
When I was at a breaking point
I called and no answered
It meant a lot that you called back
You weren’t there like how I needed you to be
It changed
You said nothing when I asked for your advice
It was clear in the sound of your voice that you didn’t want to be bothered
I tried to mend what was broken but it seemed as if you didn’t give ten shits
Anytime I’d call or text
You barely answered or responded
I’d invite you places
And things seem to always come up
I got the hint
Therefore I’d stop trying
Seems as if I had been replaced by your man
Bros before hoes
Chicks before dicks
Blood is thicker than water
Even though we didn’t share the same womb
And the same two people didn’t create us
I’d never considered you anything less than blood
Words cut deep
What I said about your decision
I know it hurt you
You of all people know me better than any man or woman on this earth
Hell, sometimes I think you know me better than myself!
With that being said,
You should know that
I did not mean to intentionally hurt you
Sisters love each other no matter what
Sisters are the ones we call when we need to vent about times being rough
Sisters are sometimes that mirror that we don’t want to look in
Because we know that we may be facing the subconscious unwanted truth
A sister is the person that you know you can count on
For their honest opinion
A sister is that friend who will always have your best interest at heart
A sister is a person that wishes you nothing but happiness
[ even when she isn’t genuinely happy herself ]
A sister can even be a soul mate
And the two of you share an unbreakable bond
That no one else understands
And guys are just someone you have fun with
More importantly,
A sister is a friend that will tell you the honest-to-God truth
Even though it may not be what you want to hear at the moment
That’s what we were for each other
“Never forget that you are my sister and you mean so much to me”
That’s what you told me in December
Words cut deep
And actions speak louder than words
What you sent me in December
Doesn’t reflect you last words “What were you expecting?”
That you said to me in this conversation…
“Why don’t we talk like we used too?”
“Wow, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting…”
That was my last attempt at trying to get you to open up
I guess we’ve grown apart
Or maybe my unintentional overreaction
Destroyed our bond
Damn, I am assuming that my words had cut that deep
To make a gash that stitches can’t fix
My action must be unforgivable
Just know that…
Sisters don’t trash each other
We defend
Sisters don’t lie to each other
We’re honest even when it’s not what the other wants to hear
Sisters have an unconditional love
It’s a love that lasts for lifetimes,
It’s not seasonal
Sisters are always present and accounted for
Especially when you need us
That’s just the way that I see it
I can’t speak for you
Can’t blame me for trying to be my sister’s keeper
Just wish I didn’t feel like a stranger to you…